ICOW Models

Preparing an S3 Instance

ICOW requires an S3 Instance with versioning enabled. We have a cli command that comes installed with the litecow_models package .For development purposes, use the sandbox

To use the CLI please see the below steps.

  1. Install litecow_models

    pip install litecow-models
  2. Set S3 configuration parameters in the environment including the following.

    export S3_ACCESS_KEY=<Access key for your s3>
    export S3_SECRET_KEY=<Secret key for your s3>
    export S3_URL=<Endpoint for your s3 instance>
  3. Use the litecow enable-versioning cli command to initialize a new bucket in the configured S3 instance, passing in the name for an existing bucket that will have versioning enabled, or for a new bucket to be created.

    litecow enable-versioning --model-bucket models

How to serialize a Pytorch model for use with ICOW

This guide assumes you already have an S3 bucket setup (AWS, Minio, etc.) with versioning enabled. For developmental purposes you can launch the sandbox

  1. Install litecow_models

  2. Set S3 configuration parameters in the environment including the following.

    export S3_ACCESS_KEY=<Access key for your s3>
    export S3_SECRET_KEY=<Secret key for your s3>
    export S3_URL=<Endpoint for your s3 instance>
  3. Import pytorch_to_onnx_file and onnx_file_to_s3 from litecow_models wherever your model can be loaded or is defined and call it with the desired parameters. An example of this can be seen below.

    from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
    import torch
    from litecow_models.model_import import onnx_file_to_s3, pytorch_to_onnx_file
    class SimpleMLP(torch.nn.Module):
    """Simple neural network for testing purposes.
    layer_sizes : list
        A list of the layer sizes inclusive of the input
        and output layers
    classification : bool
        If True, softmax is applied to the output. Otherwise,
        L2 normalization is performed.
    def __init__(
        self, layer_sizes=[256, 128, 8], classification=True,
        self.classification = classification
        modules = []
        for i, s in enumerate(layer_sizes[1:]):
            modules += [torch.nn.Linear(layer_sizes[i], s)]
            if i + 1 != len(layer_sizes) - 1:
                modules += [torch.nn.ReLU()]
        self.net = torch.nn.Sequential(*modules)
    def forward(self, input_tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Function for einputecuting the forward pass of a torch nn model.
        input_tensor : torch.Tensor
            Input to the model.
            Result of the forward pass of the network.
        input_tensor = input_tensor.reshape(
            input_tensor.shape[0], input_tensor.shape[-1]
        input_tensor = self.net(input_tensor)
        if not self.classification:
            input_tensor = torch.nn.functional.normalize(input_tensor)
        return input_tensor
    model = SimpleMLP()
    dummy_forward_input = torch.randn(1, 1, 256).to(
        "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
    with NamedTemporaryFile() as tempfile:
            "my model object name",
            "my model version",

Using litecow CLI to Upload Serialized ONNX Models

This guide assumes you already have serialized ONNX models that you would like to use with ICOW.

  1. Install litecow_models

    pip install litecow-models
  2. Upload a model

litecow import-model --source ./tinyyolov2-7.onnx tinyyolov2