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Valor comprises two services: a back-end service (which consists of a REST API and a Postgres database with the PostGIS extension), and a Python client for interacting with the back-end service.

Setting up the back-end service

Using Docker Compose

The easiest way to get up and running with Valor is to use Docker Compose with the docker-compose.yml file in the repository root:

git clone
cd valor
docker compose --env-file ./api/.env.testing up

This will set up the necessary environment variables, start both the API and database services, and run the database migration job. The endpoint localhost:8000/health should return {"status":"ok"} if all of Valor's services were started correctly.

Note: running Valor this way is not intended for production and scalable use and is only recommended for development and testing purposes.

Deploying via Docker and a hosted database

For a more production-grade deployment, we publish the images (used for the REST API) and (used for setting up the database and migrations). These can be paired with any Postgres database with the PostGIS extension.

The following environment variables are required for running these images:

Variable Description Images that need it
POSTGRES_HOST The host of the Postgres database valor-service, migrations
POSTGRES_PORT The port of the Postgres database valor-service, migrations
POSTGRES_DB The name of the Postgres database valor-service, migrations
POSTGRES_USERNAME The user of the Postgres database valor-service, migrations
POSTGRES_PASSWORD The password of the Postgres database valor-service, migrations
POSTGRES_SSLMODE Sets the Postgres instance SSL mode (typically needs to be "require") migrations
API_ROOT_PATH The root path of the API (if serving behind a proxy) valor-service

Additionally, the Valor REST API has an optional single username/password/bearer token authentication. To enable this feature, the valor-service image requires the following environment variables:

Variable Description
VALOR_USERNAME The username to use
VALOR_PASSWORD The password to use
VALOR_SECRET_KEY A random, secret string used for signing JWT tokens

Manual deployment

If you would prefer to build your own image or if you want a debug console for the back-end, please see the deployment instructions in Contributing to Valor.

Setting up the Python client

The Python client can be installed via pip:

pip install valor-client