Defines parameters for evaluation methods.
task_type: TaskType
The task type of a given evaluation.
label_map: Optional[List[List[List[str]]]]
Optional mapping of individual labels to a grouper label. Useful when you need to evaluate performance using labels that differ across datasets and models.
metrics_to_return: List[MetricType], optional
The list of metrics to compute, store, and return to the user.
llm_api_params: Dict[str, str | dict], optional
A dictionary of parameters for the LLM API.
convert_annotations_to_type: AnnotationType | None = None
The type to convert all annotations to.
iou_thresholds_to_compute: List[float], optional
A list of floats describing which Intersection over Unions (IoUs) to use when calculating metrics (i.e., mAP).
iou_thresholds_to_return: List[float], optional
A list of floats describing which Intersection over Union (IoUs) thresholds to calculate a metric for. Must be a subset of `iou_thresholds_to_compute`.
recall_score_threshold: float, default=0
The confidence score threshold for use when determining whether to count a prediction as a true positive or not while calculating Average Recall.
pr_curve_iou_threshold: float, optional
The IOU threshold to use when calculating precision-recall curves for object detection tasks. Defaults to 0.5.
pr_curve_max_examples: int
The maximum number of datum examples to store when calculating PR curves.
bleu_weights: list[float], optional
The weights to use when calculating BLEU scores.
rouge_types: list[ROUGEType]
A list of rouge types to calculate. Options are ['rouge1', 'rouge2', 'rougeL', 'rougeLsum'], where `rouge1` is unigram-based scoring, `rouge2` is bigram-based scoring, `rougeL` is scoring based on sentences (i.e., splitting on "." and ignoring "
"), and rougeLsum
is scoring based on splitting the text using "
rouge_use_stemmer: bool
If True, uses Porter stemmer to strip word suffixes.
Source code in valor/schemas/evaluation.py
An evaluation request.
Defines important attributes of the API's EvaluationRequest
Name | Type | Description |
dataset_names |
The list of datasets we want to evaluate by name. |
model_names |
The list of models we want to evaluate by name. |
filters |
The filter object used to define what the model(s) is evaluating against. |
parameters |
Any parameters that are used to modify an evaluation method. |
Source code in valor/schemas/evaluation.py
Converts the request into a JSON-compatible dictionary.