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valor.schemas.evaluation.EvaluationParameters dataclass

Defines parameters for evaluation methods.
task_type: TaskType
    The task type of a given evaluation.
label_map: Optional[List[List[List[str]]]]
    Optional mapping of individual labels to a grouper label. Useful when you need to evaluate performance using labels that differ across datasets and models.
metrics_to_return: List[MetricType], optional
    The list of metrics to compute, store, and return to the user.
llm_api_params: Dict[str, str | dict], optional
    A dictionary of parameters for the LLM API.
convert_annotations_to_type: AnnotationType | None = None
    The type to convert all annotations to.
iou_thresholds_to_compute: List[float], optional
    A list of floats describing which Intersection over Unions (IoUs) to use when calculating metrics (i.e., mAP).
iou_thresholds_to_return: List[float], optional
    A list of floats describing which Intersection over Union (IoUs) thresholds to calculate a metric for. Must be a subset of `iou_thresholds_to_compute`.
recall_score_threshold: float, default=0
    The confidence score threshold for use when determining whether to count a prediction as a true positive or not while calculating Average Recall.
pr_curve_iou_threshold: float, optional
    The IOU threshold to use when calculating precision-recall curves for object detection tasks. Defaults to 0.5.
pr_curve_max_examples: int
    The maximum number of datum examples to store when calculating PR curves.
bleu_weights: list[float], optional
    The weights to use when calculating BLEU scores.
rouge_types: list[ROUGEType]
    A list of rouge types to calculate. Options are ['rouge1', 'rouge2', 'rougeL', 'rougeLsum'], where `rouge1` is unigram-based scoring, `rouge2` is bigram-based scoring, `rougeL` is scoring based on sentences (i.e., splitting on "." and ignoring "

"), and rougeLsum is scoring based on splitting the text using " ". rouge_use_stemmer: bool If True, uses Porter stemmer to strip word suffixes.

Source code in valor/schemas/
class EvaluationParameters:
    Defines parameters for evaluation methods.

    task_type: TaskType
        The task type of a given evaluation.
    label_map: Optional[List[List[List[str]]]]
        Optional mapping of individual labels to a grouper label. Useful when you need to evaluate performance using labels that differ across datasets and models.
    metrics_to_return: List[MetricType], optional
        The list of metrics to compute, store, and return to the user.
    llm_api_params: Dict[str, str | dict], optional
        A dictionary of parameters for the LLM API.
    convert_annotations_to_type: AnnotationType | None = None
        The type to convert all annotations to.
    iou_thresholds_to_compute: List[float], optional
        A list of floats describing which Intersection over Unions (IoUs) to use when calculating metrics (i.e., mAP).
    iou_thresholds_to_return: List[float], optional
        A list of floats describing which Intersection over Union (IoUs) thresholds to calculate a metric for. Must be a subset of `iou_thresholds_to_compute`.
    recall_score_threshold: float, default=0
        The confidence score threshold for use when determining whether to count a prediction as a true positive or not while calculating Average Recall.
    pr_curve_iou_threshold: float, optional
        The IOU threshold to use when calculating precision-recall curves for object detection tasks. Defaults to 0.5.
    pr_curve_max_examples: int
        The maximum number of datum examples to store when calculating PR curves.
    bleu_weights: list[float], optional
        The weights to use when calculating BLEU scores.
    rouge_types: list[ROUGEType]
        A list of rouge types to calculate. Options are ['rouge1', 'rouge2', 'rougeL', 'rougeLsum'], where `rouge1` is unigram-based scoring, `rouge2` is bigram-based scoring, `rougeL` is scoring based on sentences (i.e., splitting on "." and ignoring "\n"), and `rougeLsum` is scoring based on splitting the text using "\n".
    rouge_use_stemmer: bool
        If True, uses Porter stemmer to strip word suffixes.

    task_type: TaskType
    label_map: Optional[List[List[List[str]]]] = None
    metrics_to_return: Optional[List[MetricType]] = None
    llm_api_params: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, dict]]] = None

    convert_annotations_to_type: Optional[AnnotationType] = None
    iou_thresholds_to_compute: Optional[List[float]] = None
    iou_thresholds_to_return: Optional[List[float]] = None
    recall_score_threshold: float = 0
    pr_curve_iou_threshold: float = 0.5
    pr_curve_max_examples: int = 1
    bleu_weights: Optional[List[float]] = None
    rouge_types: Optional[List[ROUGEType]] = None
    rouge_use_stemmer: Optional[bool] = None

valor.schemas.evaluation.EvaluationRequest dataclass

An evaluation request.

Defines important attributes of the API's EvaluationRequest.


Name Type Description
dataset_names List[str]

The list of datasets we want to evaluate by name.

model_names List[str]

The list of models we want to evaluate by name.

filters dict

The filter object used to define what the model(s) is evaluating against.

parameters EvaluationParameters

Any parameters that are used to modify an evaluation method.

Source code in valor/schemas/
class EvaluationRequest:
    An evaluation request.

    Defines important attributes of the API's `EvaluationRequest`.

    dataset_names : List[str]
        The list of datasets we want to evaluate by name.
    model_names : List[str]
        The list of models we want to evaluate by name.
    filters : dict
        The filter object used to define what the model(s) is evaluating against.
    parameters : EvaluationParameters
        Any parameters that are used to modify an evaluation method.

    dataset_names: Union[str, List[str]]
    model_names: Union[str, List[str]]
    parameters: EvaluationParameters
    filters: Filter = field(default_factory=Filter)

    def __post_init__(self):
        if isinstance(self.filters, dict):
            self.filters = Filter(**self.filters)
        elif self.filters is None:
            self.filters = Filter()

        if isinstance(self.parameters, dict):
            self.parameters = EvaluationParameters(**self.parameters)

    def to_dict(self) -> dict:
        Converts the request into a JSON-compatible dictionary.
        return {
            "dataset_names": self.dataset_names,
            "model_names": self.model_names,
            "parameters": asdict(self.parameters),
            "filters": self.filters.to_dict(),



Converts the request into a JSON-compatible dictionary.

Source code in valor/schemas/
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
    Converts the request into a JSON-compatible dictionary.
    return {
        "dataset_names": self.dataset_names,
        "model_names": self.model_names,
        "parameters": asdict(self.parameters),
        "filters": self.filters.to_dict(),