# ICOW Service Install For a quick install, use the [sandbox](/sandbox) ## Helm Chart Before installing with helm you'll need to have a working knative-serving installation. We use kourier as our networking layer. [Instructions](https://knative.dev/docs/install/any-kubernetes-cluster/) to set this up can be found on knative's website. See [Installing Helm](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/) for instructions on installing Helm Once you have a working knative serving installation and helm installation the following will install litecow: ``` git clone git@github.com:Striveworks/LIteCOW.git cd LIteCOW helm install -n icow --create-namespace icow deployment/icow ``` ### Enable GPU support The helm chart can be used to install LIteCOW with gpu support enable as well. To enable this feature make the changes suggested in the comments of the values.yaml file.